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2021-11-24 13882 0条评论 游戏相关 游戏版本错误设置模组

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? 更新1.4版,如遇bug欢迎留言区反馈;
? 地图目前是第一章,会慢慢制作更新后续章节。



◽ 每关刚进入地图时前进路上画面会顿挫,原因为游戏正在加载小僵尸模型;
◽ 本地图包含收集建造元素,如果不喜欢此类元素请不要尝试。
◽ 请不要单通专家甚至高级难度,你真的过不去,这是为人多时候联机准备的难度。


◽ unattainable_1
◽ unattainable_2


? 请打开游戏自带的游戏提示,否则地图将无法正常游玩。(选项-多人联机-游戏提示)
? 如果你不能捡起物体,请检查是否有其他模组或地图影响本地图的功能。无法捡起物体将无法正常游玩。
? 地图包含动态自定义音乐,推荐将音乐音量调大。[/h1]
◽ 不保证本地图在超多模组和超多人数的情况下的正常运行,如遇文件冲突、游戏闪退问题请自行关闭模组解决;
◽ 第一关的Tank 和Witch 均为游戏内导演生成,非预先放置;
◽ 如果你和机器人单人玩,引导你的机器人队友捡枪,并为他们购买武器,尽量保证他们的存活以协助你;
◽ 第二关的难度取决于有多少真人玩家和游戏难度设置,如果机器人模组影响地图正常游玩请暂时禁用;
◽ 如果难度太高或太低,可选择适合自己的难度游玩。
◽ 坦克来了,离车远点,不要忘了你玩的是求生之路,车可以被坦克捶飞。


• 第一关因游戏引擎原因无反射球;
• 刚进入地图时第一次遇见普通感染者可能会顿挫,原因为游戏初次加载感染者模型;
• 个别地点顶点过多,影响帧数;
• 部分场景光影有问题;
• 因导航网格不完美部分特感会被载具卡住;
• 救援载具或许会抽风;


◾ Update version 1.4, if you encounter bugs welcome feedback in the comment.
◾ The map is currently the first chapter, will slowly make updates to subsequent chapters.

Map filename:

Game Tip:
? Please enable the game hints when you playing, otherwise the map will not play properly. (Options - Multiplayer - Game Instructor)
? If you are unable to pick up objects, please check if there are other mods or maps that affect the functionality of this map. Inability to pick up objects will prevent you from playing properly. [/h1]
The map includes dynamic custom music, and it is recommended to turn up the music volume.[/h1]

• This map is not guaranteed to run properly with a large number of mods and a large number of players, so please disable the mods yourself if the game is crashing
• The Tank and Witch in the first stage are spawned by the game director, not pre-placed by the author.
• If you are playing solo with bots, guide your bots teammates to pick up guns and buy weapons for them, and try to keep them alive to assist you.
• The difficulty of the second stage depends on how many human players and the difficulty of the game, if the bots mod will affect the operation of the map please disable it.
• If the difficulty is too high or too low, choose a difficulty to play on that suits you.
• When the tank is coming, stay away from the car, do not forget that you are playing the L4D2, the car can be whacked fly by the tank .

Known bugs and defects:
• No Cubemap in the first stage due to the game engine.
• When you enter the map, the first time you meet a common Infected may stumble, probably because the game is loading the Infected model for the first time.
• Too many vertices in individual locations, which affects the frame rate.
• Some scenes have shadow problems.
• Due to imperfect nav part of the special infected will be stuck by the vehicle.
• Rescue vehicle animation may be broken.
If you meet bugs and problems can try to restart to solve, also welcome feedback.

I'm glad you play my map, if you play happy I will be more happy.


© Dong